
Three Stripes South

The 1000km thru-hike that inspired the Love Her Wild women's adventure community

by Bex Band 

Three Stripes South travel narrative – The story of Bex Band’s 1,000km trek along the Israel National Trail that inspired the Love Her Wild Women’s Adventure Movement; an inspirational and transformative adventure memoir.

Published:  06th Aug 2021
Size:  130 X 198 mm
Edition:  1
Number of pages:  216
Format AvailableQuantityPrice
ISBN: 9781784778385
In stock
£9.99 £8.99
eBook (ePUB)
ISBN: 9781784778941
£8.32 £7.49

About this book

In 2016, desperate for a drastic change, Bex Band decided to walk the length of Israel with her husband: a 1000km trek including a dangerous crossing through the vast Negev desert. She’d never done anything like it before and the experience changed her life, building back her confidence and self-esteem. Three Stripes South tells the story of this transformative adventure – battling heat, exhaustion, self-doubt and prejudice – and the new life Bex built for herself when she got home, founding the Love Her Wild women’s adventure community.
‘Lacking confidence is something that a lot of women can relate to’ says Bex. ‘For me personally, it began at school with undiagnosed dyslexia and bullying. This fed into my adult years where I found myself in a vicious cycle of unhappy jobs and bouts of depression. I had low self-esteem and a belief that I really wasn’t capable of achieving much in life.’
Fast forward to today and Bex has transformed her life, tackling gender inequality in adventure travel, and championing women in the outdoors through regular talks, blogging and leading women on adventures all over the world. Nominated for multiple awards for her work advocating women in adventure, her story is an inspiration.

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About the Author

Bex Band is a full-time adventurer and conservationist. She founded the UK’s largest women’s adventure community, Love Her Wild. Her previous adventures include thru hiking the 1000km Israel National Trail, kick-scooting the length of the USA and kayaking the width of the UK against plastic pollution.

Bex has been recognised by Business Leader as UK’s top 30 inspirational entrepreneurs and was award the Next Generation Award by Enterprise Nation. For her work advocating women in adventure she has been shortlisted for a National Diversity Award and in 2018 was given ‘Legacy Maker’ status on the San Miguel ‘Alternative Rich List’.

You can follow Bex on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (@Bex_Band) or via her blog, which has had over a 1.3million readers:

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